miércoles, 23 de febrero de 2011


Hi! we're here again.
 Today is February 23rt 2011.
In San Valentin had happened a lot of things. We have sold some candy anda chocolats.
We enjoyed  till we were selling our products, we want to thank our teachers and friends for bought us. THANKS YOU!

We're in our way to make some surprises for you. Don't lose them!

miércoles, 9 de febrero de 2011

Preparing, preparing....S. Valentin is coming. ♥

Hi guys! As you might know, we were preaparing S.valentine's day in our high school and  we've made a lot of surprises for them.
And, this are our ideas. We're selling candy, sweets and chocolats.
Our team is preparing everything for that special day, and this is how our lolly pop looks like :
Also, we are making our catalog, Don't miss it!

miércoles, 2 de febrero de 2011

Preparing S. Valentine's day!

HI! Here we're again!As you might know, S.Valentine's day is coming, and The Teen Team is preparing everyting.
We have some surprises for you, and we hope you like them.
Our high school is preparing everything  for that special day.Were going to sell a lot of things such as sweets or chocolats.
We're also preparing our amazing cataloge! Be prepared guys!